Tag Archives: news

NEW RELEASE “Virgo Supercluster” Martino Vercesi

NEW RELEASE “Virgo Supercluster” Martino Vercesi LINE UP Martino Vercesi (guitar) Luca Dell’Anna (hammond organ) Sandro Cerino (saxes, [...]

NEW ALBUM !!! “The G-Session” Luigi Masciari

Announcing "The G-Session" by Luigi Masciari, featuring Aaron Parks and Roberto Giaquinto, releasing September 2016. [...]

Workshop: Music Business & Strategies

Workshop: Music Business & Strategies “Musician: not just know how to play, learn a JOB”  [...]

‘S Wonderful > Review “Fedelta’ del Suono” n.231

‘S Wonderful > Review “Fedelta’ del Suono” n.231 A review for ‘S Wonderful by Marco [...]

New Hi-Res album audio files

New Hi-Res album Audio files Do you want to listen to the original High Resolution [...]

Tosky Records at JazzAhead (Bremen)

Tosky Records at JazzAhead (Bremen) Tosky Records at JazzAhead 2015 (Bremen) We are happy to [...]

Two reviews about “‘S Wonderful” – ‘4Arts’ and ‘LaCaduta’

4Arts: http://www.4arts.it/2015/02/17/il-talento-elegante-di-marco-guidolotti/ LaCaduta: http://lacaduta.tumblr.com/post/111563078968/recensione-marco-guidolotti-quartet-s

Review “‘S Wonderful” – Musica Jazz (February 2015)

Review “‘S Wonderful” by Marco Guidolotti Quartet – Musica Jazz (February 2015)

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